The Essentials: From the Old to the New to the Old-Made-New
Whether you're searching for an unbeatable Gingerbread Man recipe or a fun (and fast) twist on a Spritz Cookie, these are the recipes we consider essential to the season. And because Betty's recipes are kitchen-tested, you can rest assured that they will taste as good as they look.
How-To Headquarters
We've been working with the Betty Crocker Test Kitchens to compile all the baking lessons you need this season. Whether it's your first-time baking cookies from scratch or you need a refresher course, we've got in-depth explanations, photos and essential tips so you can bake, frost and decorate like a pro!
The Sweetest Ways to Share
Part of the joy of holiday baking comes from sharing, and we've got the tips and techniques that make it possible for you to do just that — no matter if your loved ones live near or far.
Browse All Christmas Cookie Recipes
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